Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

What services does Dukes offer?
What are your operating hours?
Is there free Wi-Fi available?

Location, Hours & Accessibility

What are your operating hours?
How can I contact Dukeā€™s Laundromat?
Where are you located?
Is your laundromat accessible?

Self-Service Laundromat

How do I use the Self-Service Laundry washers and dryers?
Can I bring my own detergent and fabric softener for Self-Service Laundry?
How can I report an issue with a machine?
Can I use your laundromat for commercial laundry needs?

Drop Off Wash & Fold

What is included in the Drop-Off Wash-and-Fold service?
How should I prepare my laundry for drop-off?
What is the typical turnaround time for drop-off laundry?

Pickup & Delivery

How does the Pickup & Delivery service work?
How should I prepare my laundry for pickup?
What areas do you service for pickup and delivery?

Commercial Laundry Solutions

Does Dukeā€™s Laundromat offer Commercial Laundry Solutions?
What types of businesses does Dukeā€™s Laundromat serve?
Does Dukeā€™s Laundromat provide pick-up and delivery for commercial accounts?

Pricing & Payment

How much does it cost to use the washers and dryers?
What payment methods do you accept?

Environmental & Safety Policies

Are your machines environmentally friendly?
What health and safety measures do you follow?

Promotions, Discounts & Rewards

How can I stay updated on Dukeā€™s promotions and deals?
Do you offer referral rewards?

Customer Support & Feedback

How can I share my feedback or leave a review?
How do I report an issue or get help?
What should I do if I forget or lose an item at the laundromat?

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